IBERIA L.A.E. Air Carrier preferred by the course, thanks to a reached agreement, will offer a 10% discount on the routes that take as origin or destination Madrid.

In order to use this discount, click on the Iberia logo or enter the iberia website: https://www.iberia.com/

Once you have selected your flights and before making the payment, please type on the discount section (right hand of the website) the following code (capital letters): 5THINTCOURSEPEDIATRICEPILEPSIES25 The discount will be applied on flights  5 days prior or before the congress dates.

Valid for flights operated by: Iberia, Iberia Express and Iberia Regional Air Nostrum




Renfe colaborates with the organization of the course and offers a 5% discount in AVE and Long Distance (AVE-LD, LD-AVE) domestic trips, with origin or destination Madrid.

Valid from 27/10/2025 to 01/11/2025.

If you want to use this offer, it is necessary to be registered in the course. You will need to contact the Technical Secretariat of the course (info@videoeeg.es) and they will provide you a voucher which authorizes the discount.

You will have to take this voucher with you during your trip since it may be required at the train.

You will be able to buy the train tickets at the train station and online, at Renfe website. If you by the tickets online, you will have to select the Congress/Events fee and insert the authorisation voucher number.